
Shareware and Freeware Open Source Windows Software Applications and Free Online Tools

Video Wallpaper Creator IconVideo Wallpaper Creator V1.5

Crear video fondo de pantalla para tu escritorio

Create video wallpaper for your desktop
Gratuito para uso personal y comercial
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Crear video fondo de pantalla para tu escritorio

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Impresionar a sus clientes y amigos

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Haga que su escritorio sea más emocionante y divertido

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Haga que su escritorio sea más agradable para trabajar

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Soporta casi cualquier formato de video

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Ajustar intervalo de temporizador, fps de video y ancho de video para disminuir el uso de la CPU

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Prueba fondo de pantalla de video antes de usarlo

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Restaurar su viejo fondo de pantalla al cerrar la aplicación

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Opción de bucle de videos

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Reordenar y copiar y pegar videos en la lista

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Muestra de video con nubes incluidas

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Soporta arrastrar y soltar

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Fácil de usar

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Multilingüe y traducido a 39 idiomas diferentes

System Requirements
Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, 2003 and XP. Including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions

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Do you want to create video wallpaper for your desktop ? Do you want to impress customer and friends with a video wallpaper ? Do you want to make your desktop more exciting and funny and ore enjoyable to work ?

Then try Video Wallpaper Creator which can create video wallpapers for your desktop.

Video Wallpaper Creator supports almost any video format.

You can also adjust the timer interval, video fps and video width to lower cpu usage.

There is an option to loop videos and you can reorder or copy and paste videos on the list.

Supports drag and drop and is easy to use.

The application is also multilingual and translated into 39 different languages.

If you look for a program that can make video wallpapers then try Video Wallpaper Creator which has many features and is easy to use.

What's New in Version 1.0:
Initial release.