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PDF To JPG Expert IconHow to Use - PDF To JPG Expert

Free for personal and commercial use

How to convert pdf to jpg - pdf to png - pdf to tiff

Quick File Locker - Main Screen

PDF To JPG Expert is very easy to use. Simply follow the following four steps.

Step 1 - Add PDF Documents to convert

At first, select the PDF Documents you want to convert pdf to jpg, or pdf to png, pdf to bmp e.t.c. by pressing the "Add" button in the toolbar or by dragging and dropping them on the grid.

You can also add entire folders with PDF documents simply by pressing the "Add Folder" button and then specifying the folder.

If a PDF document is protected with a user password then you will be asked for it. If a PDF document is protected with an owner password then it is removed from it automatically.

Drag and drop pdf documents to be converted to images.

Step 2 - Specify Page Ranges with Preview of Images

You can also optionally, specify the pdf documents page ranges to be converted. Simply enter for a PDF document in the "Page Range" column of the grid the range. Also, multiple page ranges are supported but they are required to be comma separated e.g. 10-20,50-60,75-80. In all other cases, the entire document will be converted to images.

You can also select a PDF document row on the grid and the press on the "Select Pages" button of the toolbar or the "Select Pages" button on the PDF document row on the grid.

Then a new window will open where you can preview the PDF page images.

You can there select which images to include by checking or unchecking the checkbox "Selected".

You can also enter a page range in the textbox and then press on the "Update" button.

You can also press the "Save" button next to the page range textbox to directly save the page range images with the predefined image settings.

Set document's page ranges to be converted to images

Step 3 - Specify output format, resolution, output folder, rotation and more

Then select the desired output image format. You can select one from the most used image formats.

You can also save the images as a compressed multi-page TIFF image by selecting the "TIFF" image format and then checkiong the appropriate checkboxes.

Additionally, you can specify the dimensions of the images to be generated. The default one is "As Is" which means that the entire document page will be converted to an image.

Afterward, you can select whether the output folder will be the folder of the PDF document or another folder. You can also open the output folder in Windows Explorer directly by pressing the "Open Output Folder" button.

You can also save the image as monochrome or grayscale by checking the appropriate checkboxes on the "Image Format" tab.

You can also rotate the images left or right by 90, 180 or 270 degrees.

Step 4 - Conversion

Finally, press the "Convert" button and the conversion will start and finish soon.

How to import a list of PDF documents

You can also import a list of PDF documents to compress.

To do so, create a text file listing all PDF files to be compressed, one PDF file or folder at each line.

If your PDF file or folder requires a user password (for opening) write in a line the PDF file or folder and a comma and the password.

For example :

"c:\invoices\invoices January",JANUARY_PASSWORD

How to set the Output Folder

It is also possible to specify the output folder of the produced images. If the same folder as the PDF document is selected then the images will be generated in the folder where the PDF document is. You can also produce the images in a subfolder of the PDF document's folder.

For example, you can specify to create them in a subfolder "PNG". PDF To JPG Expert remembers your last five output folder options.

Command Line Usage

PDF To JPG Expert supports command line usage. This is useful for inclusion in batch scripts e.t.c.

Usage :

Convert PDF Files to Images.

PDFToJPGExpert.exe [[file|directory]]

file : one or more files to be processed.
directory : one or more directories containing files to be processed.
password : PDF user password for open.
pagerange : PDF page ranges.
format : Output image format . PNG|JPEG|GIF|TIFF|BMP.
resolution : DPI image resolution.
filenamepattern: filename pattern
quality : JPEG quality.
grayscale : Create grayscale image
monochrome : Create monochrome image
rotateleft : Rotate image left
rotateright : Rotate image right
rotate90 : Rotate image 90 degrees
rotate180 : Rotate image 180 degrees
rotate270 : Rotate image 270 degrees
tiffmultipage : Create TIFF multipage image as output
compressedtiff : Create compressed Tiff Bitonal
asis : keep image dimensions as is.
width800 : output width should be 800 pixels.
width1024 : output width should be 1024 pixels.
width1280 : output width should be 1280 pixels.
width : output width should be WIDTH_VALUE pixels.
height : output height should be HEIGHT_VALUE pixels.
listcodes : list output format codes.
outputformat : select output format from code.
keepstructure : keep folder structure.
keepcreation : keep creation date.
keeplastmod : keep last modification date.
importlist : import PDF file list from text file.
outputfolder : use specfified output folder.
/? : show help

Examples :
PDFToJPGExpert.exe "c:\documents\invoice.pdf" /password:"12345" /asis /format:PNG /outputfolder:"c:\invoiceImages"

PDFToJPGExpert.exe "c:\documents\invoice.pdf" /width:1024 /height:780 /format:PNG /outputfolder:"c:\invoiceImages"

PDFToJPGExpert.exe "c:\documents\invoice.pdf" /asis /format:TIFF /tiffmultipage /compressedtiff /outputfolder:"c:\invoiceImages"

PDFToJPGExpert.exe "c:\documents\invoice.pdf" /asis /grayscale /outputfolder:"c:\invoiceImages"

PDFToJPGExpert.exe "c:\documents\invoice.pdf" /asis /format:"JPEG" /pagerange:"1-3" /rotateleft /rotate90 /outputfolder:"c:\invoiceImages"

PDFToJPGExpert.exe /listcodes

How to change user interface language

When the application is first started it asks you for your desired user interface language.

You can also change the user interface language from the "Language" menu.

PDF To EXE Converter - Register - Buy

You can buy our application by visiting the product page on our site and then press the "Buy" button.

Alternatively, start the application and press on the Buy button, to visit our store webpage. (2)

After buying the application, a registration code will be sent to you via email within minutes.

To register the application and unlock all its functionality and remove the nag screen press on the "Register" button (1).

PDF To EXE Converter - Register - Buy

Then in the registration screen enter the registration code in the text box and press on the "Register" button (1).
